you want updates? how about every day!

We update different sections of the site on different days, so there is always something new to see!

You can see from the screenshots how our unique browsing system works, when you enter a gallery, the different sets appear on the left. Choose a set to view and the thumbnails appear at the top of the window. When you click on a thumbnail, the image appears in the main window. You can use your keyboard to move forward and backwards through the pics, your mouse, or use the slideshow feature to have our server do the work for you. Either way, you never have to hit the back button again!

? Copyright 2002-2024 Thexis, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information adn copy by Harry Louis All images, html, text, and photographs are the property of Thexis, LLC, and may not be used in part or whole without permission. All models 18+ at time of production. Proof on file

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